Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village

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Words May Fall Short: My Feelings Towards ASYV

A poem by Ihimbazwe Umutesi Tumusifu, ASYV Class of 2024

Ihimbazwe Umutesi Tumusifu

Words may fall short, ink might get used up,

but my feelings towards Agahozo will never rot or get erased.

The Agahozo-Shalom Youth Village is 

like a rainbow in my cloud.

Each and every little action simply shows me love.

It gave me a chance to realize that I deserve a space to heal too.

I am free to bloom,

bloom whenever I want to, whenever I need to.

It's not late and never will be.

I was taught that I am not handcuffed to my past, 

never a prisoner of yesterday.

I was equipped with transcendent insights,

through self-discipline, the mother of success, courage and gratitude.

My vision was getting worse.

I couldn’t even see what was five feet away from me,

without squinting.

ASYV opened my eyes to see that I was intricately crafted, and I am

wonderfully made.

That deep within me lay a treasure waiting to be discovered,

where tears dry.