Carrying on Anne Heyman's Legacy

January 31, 2025, marks the 11th anniversary of the passing of our founder, Anne Heyman. Each day, we see Anne’s legacy in all we do at ASYV—in the healing and love we offer our students; in the holistic education they receive; in the passion and hope they discover here and pass along to new generations of ASYV students. But most of all, we see Anne’s legacy in the conviction that each of us—student, staff, or alumni—have the power to help repair the world. Below, students Niyonsenga Pascal, Akimana Isimbi Noella, and Akaliza Precious share how they are continuing Anne’s legacy by being the change they hope to see. 


“When I came from Burundi to Rwanda, I experienced a life of having nothing. Living in the camp was very challenging—living in a tent, in a bad situation. The kids in the school struggle, their English is poor. At ASYV, I have learned that education is the most powerful weapon to transform the world. That is why I launched the English Immersion Program to help ASYV students improve their English.

After seeing how it has positively impacted so many students, I came up with the idea of spreading the program to my former school. This term, we will officially visit the school and support students in the camp. I am excited to continue Anne Heyman’s legacy of transforming the world.” – Niyonsenga Pascal, Student Government Minister of Education, ASYV Class of 2026 


“When I arrived at ASYV, I struggled with an untold grief I had trouble discussing with anyone. My healing process started as I got interested in poetry and acting. I began talking about my troubles, and found there are things you tell a student that you might not tell your adult psychosocial worker. I founded the Kira Umutima initiative to provide students with a safe space to talk to each other about our struggles. 

Our 35 members are continuing the philosophy Anne Heyman brought to the Village of healing fellow students and the community. We share our stories and learn from each other. We organise workshops and events for the entire school. We start to open a light in people.” – Akimana Isimbi Noella, Founder and President of the Kira Umutima (Heal the Heart) Initiative, ASYV Class of 2025


“I think everyone here in the ASYV community knows the value of having nothing. Anne Heyman inspired me to feel I could start with something small and make it something great. In the Pay It Forward Club, we don't only share what we have with others, we make sure to leave the community we're living in better than it was before. I joined the club because I wanted to put my whole heart into that.

We do anything we think is useful. We've visited new mothers in the hospital. We’ve visited kids [in the neighboring community] of Rubona to give them hope for the future. We’ve conducted cleaning campaigns in the Village itself. Anne Heyman left us that legacy.” – Akaliza Precious, Project Manager for the Pay it Forward Club, ASYV Class of 2026


Photos of Pascal, Noella, and Precious by 3rd-year ASYV student Musore Frank.


Jill Radwin